Stop the madness

We oppose the construction of unwarranted massive new wind turbine installations in the Cambrian mountains, or anywhere else in rural Wales

Our campaigns

Bryn Cadwgan wind turbines

We oppose the construction of 25 massive 230 metric tall wind turbines on a mountain site at the top of the Towy and Dolaucothi valleys.

Towy-Usk pylons

We oppose the construction of a new power transmission line that will run the full extent of the Towy and Usk valleys

Towy-Teifi pylons

We oppose the construction of a new pylon based transmission line that will run from the Teifi valley down to Ferryside

About us

‘Cadw Cambria‘ is a community led group created to protect and preserve the beauty of the Cambrian Mountains.   Our members, appalled by the laissez-faire attitude of the Welsh Government to allow unfettered industrial development in this precious environment,  have been galvanised into action to protect this unique landscape.

We are not a ‘nimby’ group out to stop a specific project trashing our own location. As a group we are against all new wind turbine projects anywhere in rural Wales for the simple reason that this problem has already been solved – Wales already generates more green power than it needs for its own purposes.

Cadw Cambria is clear that there is a climate change crisis to address, and that wind turbines have a part to play in providing a replacement to traditional carbon-based sources like oil, coal, and gas.   However, that logic that does not permit the unfettered ‘Californian Gold Rush’ style building frenzy that the Welsh Government is unleashing on the Cambrians.


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