
Unfortunately, these days nothing comes for free, even a simple web site.   The Cadw Cambria web site is located on a commercial hosting service, and uses the ‘WordPress’ software platform to design and display pages.  WordPress is an extendable platform, where software modules called ‘plugins’ are used to augment the simple default facilities.  Although a lot of plugins are free, when it comes to generating quality content with a strong message the use of more advanced commercial plugins delivers a better end product in a more efficient timeframe    The table below provides a summary of costs incurred in building this site.   Currently we have a deficit of £282 that we are seeking to recover via donations.

Element Vendor Product Cost
Domain registration FastHosts 2 x cadwcambria domains 47.98
Hosting service Hostinger WordPress hosting 64.66
WordPress plugin - editor Elementor Elementor Pro 81.85
WordPress plugin - legal notices Complianz Complianz Pro 52.00
WordPress plugin - user feedback Monster UserFeedback Plus 40.90
WordPress plugin - theme extension Brainstorm Essential Toolkit 65.08
Total cost 352.47
Funds collected previously 70.00
Deficit 282.47

We are seeking donations from supporters of our cause to help pay for the site setup and ongoing maintenance costs. To this end,  we have created a donation collection method on the ‘Collection Pot’ site where you can make a donation.   A previous round of donations collected the sum of £70, and we are now seeking to recover the remaining £282.   The donation collection process on ‘Collect Pot’ is easy to use,  only takes a few minutes to complete, and it supports all main credit cards