Research tasks

We are seeking volunteers to assist with research on subjects to support our campaign to block the Bryn Cadwgan wind turbine proposal   If you feel that have expertise in any of the areas listed below, then please use the contact form on the ‘Get Involved’ page to explain how you can help.

SSO and other environmental areas in the vicinity of the site

Build a summary of SSO and other high value environments in the vicinity of the Bryn Cadwgan site, with a map showing the locations

Site history

Build a summary of the site history and any historical artefacts in the area.

Organizations with an interest in the site

Find a list of organizations actively engaged in managing or researching environment around site – so that we can target them to support our cause

Research funders

Find a list of past and current research grants/funding provided to support wildlife/environment around this site.

LDP site considerations

Summarize Carmarthenshire County Council LDP priorities for this site.

Welsh Government plans for site

Summarize Welsh Government 2040 plan and its impact on this site.

Impact on local tourism

Analyse economic impact on local tourism if project were to proceed.

How a community group should respond to a DNS application?

Research format and structure of LIR’s produced by Country Council planning departments as a guide to the type of representation that should be made by a community group.